
Stop Reviewing All Your Faxes!

Stop Reviewing All Your Faxes!

Do you have to review all incoming faxes your organization receives? Are you looking for a way to increase your productivity? Look no further. Read on to learn how you can save time by not having to review each fax manually.

MACRA Rule Changes for 2018 Data

MACRA Rule Changes for 2018 Data

In the beginning of November, the CMS (The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) finalized their MACRA rules for reporting on data in 2018. The changes to these rules are affecting healthcare organizations across the nation as they are scrambling to get prepared. With less than 60 days til the first of 2018, healthcare clinics and practices are ensuring they have what they need for accurate reporting measurements.

The centralized faxing/scanning conundrum

The centralized faxing/scanning conundrum

The centralized vs. de-centralized faxing conundrum seems to be a topic with every healthcare organization we encounter.

In theory, centralizing your incoming documents seems like a grand idea. You have a core group of people who do things consistently, know the documents and are managed by a single department.

Help Your Clinicians Find What They Need in the EMR

Help Your Clinicians Find What They Need in the EMR

I’m not an “EMR historian”, but my general understanding is that the EMR has and continues to evolve. When it first came to be, the EMR was an electronic replacement of the paper record.