Precision Medicine Automation

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About The Case Study:

Comprehensive cancer research requires the ability to parse countless data points and make sense of them.  Cancer centers receive a great deal of information regarding the genetic makeup of individuals with solid tumors and entering each gene expression as a separate record was a daunting task for data entry staff looking at a mountain of historical documents.

The staff would have to re-enter patient demographic information for each genetic expression in a file.  This created very repetitive, and error-prone work.

The solution for this challenge was automation.  We were able to replace error-prone manual data entry with an automated solution, eliminating manual tasks so researchers were able to focus on the data, not how it was being entered.

Download our case study to see how Extract was able to create a solution that eliminated repetition, increased accuracy, and sped up the process of getting actionable data in the hands of researchers.

How Can Extract Help Your Organization?

The Extract Systems Platform offers a fast and accurate, automated document classification, indexing, data extraction, and redaction solution. Extract is here to help streamline repetitive manual workflows, so that you and your staff may focus on providing exceptional patient care.