24th Annual UNOS Transplant Management Forum: One More for the Books
Once again I had the pleasure of attending the 24th Annual UNOS Transplant Management Forum for my 4th time earlier this year. As always, it was a flurry of learning, knowledge-sharing, networking, and well-deserved awards for leaders in the industry.
It was as apparent this time as it was every time before, that the transplant community is a close-knit group who all struggle with similar things regardless of their geographical location. These struggles span across many areas, including financial, staffing, regulatory requirements, lack of organs, information technology, reporting, managing the constant deluge of paper, and many more. While I can’t claim that Extract can help with all of these, there are two specific struggles that we excel at fixing: extracting discrete results from faxed external lab results and intelligently splitting, classifying, and filing large documents (such as referral packets) into patients’ charts.
As always, the amount of excitement over our external lab result solution was high. I saw jaws drop when transplant managers, coordinators, directors, and data staff saw the product in action. It’s always a good feeling to see an epiphany in person.
Our expertise with filing discrete lab results is not new and we’ve been doing it successfully for a number of years for an increasing number of reputable transplant centers and other healthcare organizations. It continues to be our flagship solution and we’ve improved the breadth of functionality greatly over the last year in response to customer feedback. The power and efficiency of the product have come a long way and visitors to our booth agreed.
In addition to pulling discrete results from lab documents, we’re now doing the same with pathology reports, which have historically been amorphous blobs of unstructured data that are hard to find and typically require a clinician to dig into and pull out the important information.
But we’re just warming up!
Finding the important information in unstructured documents also gives our software the ability to automatically classify those documents and file them in the correct place within your EMR. To apply this to the transplant world, consider those large referral packets that your data team or coordinators spend hours pulling apart and processing and putting in the right place. If you’re lucky, they might even be pulling the important information out of those documents, summarizing it, and filing it discretely. We can play both of those roles!
If there are lab results in that referral packet…pull out the discrete results! If there are pathology and radiology reports in that referral packet…pull out the information you need! Our software is flexible and can accommodate almost any type of document based on your needs. Please contact us if you’d like to see what we can offer you.
If you didn’t get a chance to stop by our booth at the show, you can read a brief overview of how we’ve used he software to help Aurora Health Care below.