How Automated Software Solutions Can Address Privacy and Accuracy Issues During A Pandemic

In several industries, de-identifying or redacting sensitive information on documents is a requirement. If you are in the government sector, recorders may need to redact information from their county’s land records in order to make those documents available for public access, other offices might have to have tax IDs or social security numbers redacted, and in healthcare, organizations may need to have PHI redacted for release of information requests. 

These redaction processes are not new, but they are very manual and require staff to be on premises. The ongoing pandemic has made this process difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Here at Extract we have developed an automated redaction tool that allows states and counties provide online access safely, securely, and cost-effectively.

Our redaction solution, ID Shield, provides the needed flexibility and expertise to avoid any errors or missed sensitive data items. Extract has redacted over 5 billion pages of court records, land records, UCC filings, credit card statements, clinical research documents, etc. With twenty years of experience and 350 counties in 39 states we are able to deliver a proven solution.

How It Works:

ID Shield reads and classifies documents, just like a human would. The platform processes the document(s) based on type to identify redactions and then burns those redactions onto the document. If a workflow requires validation, the platform highlights ‘clues’ that are specific to that document type and then assigns a value that measures how accurately the text matches the ‘clues.’ Those clues are then classified into confidence levels and are used to help offices streamline their verification workflows, minimizing labor costs while increasing accuracy. 

Leveraging the Latest Technology:

ID Shield is powered with machine learning that is used on all data and document types. As the verification output is updated the platform is automatically trained based on those outputs, which allows the software to continuously improve without any intervention. 


  • Customizable user interface

  • Machine learning allows the software ‘rules’ to improve automatically

  • The find and redact tool allows for advanced search capabilities for any user-defined field

  • Automated document classification

  • Customizable analytics dashboard

  • Web User Interface is available, making it possible for staff to work remotely

  • Expedite high priority documents

Extract's Document automation software

Learn more about what we are doing for Fairfax County, Canton OH Municipal Court, and Dekalb County

If you would like to learn more about how we can help, please reach out today.

About the Author: Taylor Genter   Taylor is the Marketing Specialist at Extract with experience in data analytics, graphic design, and both digital and social media marketing.  She earned her Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Marketing at the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater. Taylor enjoys analyzing people’s behaviors and attitudes to find out what motivates them, and then curating better ways to communicate with them.