Who Leads Technology Changes in Your Organization?
All industries and departments rely upon different forms of automation and digitization. Whether it is your company email address, revenue cycle software, housing human resource procedures, or your social media strategy; technology plays a role in many areas of the organization.
Applications continue to evolve for specific markets or areas of organizations to fulfill essential business functions. Choosing an app that integrates with areas of your company’s existing infrastructure, like email and CRM can be cumbersome. With there being so many options and considerations, who has the final say? How will this affect the organization? How will other departments utilize the app? Many variables need to be taken into consideration.
Traditionally, company technology decisions came down from IT leaders, who had control of the overall spending. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would have the role of reviewing requests and allocating staff/budget resources to fulfill the requests of various departments. Then the IT staff would support these departments and applications.
Now we see much more business strategy being promoted up the chain of command to senior leadership for review by committee. Technology has become an everyday part of all areas of the business organization, not only determined by one department.
In today’s markets, we are seeing business strategy have more influence over these decisions and take ownership of budget spend in their business area. The stakeholders in individual departments see the need for technology to drive efficiencies and reduce cost to benefit the enterprise. Business and IT teams are collaborating on the best use case scenarios for digital transformation. Methodology needs to be determined that will ensure value and provide tangible deliverables downstream. The increasing role of business/systems analysts has grown in popularity to help to gracefully integrate these teams, as they work through the methodology necessary. The roles of these staff members are to provide value to connect these teams, thinking about how these decisions affect all that will interact with the newest technology advancement for that department.
The organizations that connect all of these dots, showing agility and working cohesively will be the businesses that are successful in surviving within their respective markets. These are the type of organizations that use IT spend to create efficiencies, and improve processes at the ground level, and with consideration for the other departments around them.
We here at Extract want to help with connecting the dots for all of your data and document handling needs, providing business impacts through an integrated IT solution.
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