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Madison, Wisconsin
Extract Systems

Using Technology that Helps Improve Your Quality of Care

June 1, 2017

I have a huge to-do list that I keep staring at, thinking it will never get accomplished. But, I have the technology to help me get there faster. The to-do lists that you have in healthcare are astronomical. It only makes sense to implement technology to help you get things done quickly and efficiently. If you already have technology but have been avoiding the dreaded “upgrade,” we wrote a blog on that too.

Focusing on the quality of healthcare you/your organization provides is extremely important. There has been a lot of buzz around the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) this year. “What is MIPS? How do we maximize our incentives? Who can help us?” are just a few of the common questions we have run into. Dedicating 100% of your attention to patient-centered needs is possible with the right technology. Your MIPS reporting measures may not be accurate if your staff is having to manually comb through documents and it’s time consuming.

What is MIPS? A Brief overview

MIPS is under MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015) and aims to combine and simplify earlier programs; PQRS (Physician Quality Reporting System), Value-based Payment Modifier and Meaningful Use. This is the first-year MIPS has been in play. The data reporting window began in January of 2017 and will close December 31st, 2017. After that date, everything must be sent in for review to await reward payment or penalties. 

Reporting requirements include four categories: quality, cost, ACI (advancing care information), and CPIA (clinical practice improvement activities) for at least 90 days to potentially earn a positive payment adjustment.

How do we maximize our incentives?

You can avoid negative penalties by simply providing one measure for the full 90 days or report on 5 chosen measures that displays an accurate picture of the care you provided. If you’ve been doing this since the start of 2017 – you’re in a good place! That means you may earn, and even maximize, a positive payment adjustment. If you haven’t yet started – don’t worry! You can still earn a positive payment adjustment, possibly the maximum, just by submitting 90 days’ worth of discrete data.

Technology Can Help You Get There

Okay, so, you’re thinking, “All that is great – but we don’t have the time to manually pull these reports.” Let me ask you: If you could easily identify health indicators, would you? What about turning a cumbersome workflow into a fully automated one?

Extract Systems is here to help! We can take data from faxes, scans, and internal documents, extract it, and move it to your specified location. This reduction of manual processing empowers staff needing the information, to spend more time looking at documents instead of looking for documents, and can help you focus on quality of care and not the quality of your reported data.

UW Clinical Documentation Services went from manually entering stacks of lab results to an automated process that increased their orders entered to EMR by 402%. For more information about how your current processes could be improved using Extract, request a demo now.

Meet The Author
Kari Siegenthaler
Speak to a solution consultant