New Beginnings in a Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to plague the world. Despite suggestions it is ending, numbers continue to rise. For every county, state, or even nation that makes some progress, some return to pre-pandemic life, and others fall to some new or returned danger.
All is not lost however, for as a species we are adaptable, and we will overcome. But truly, this means a new normal, that life will never be the same. I find it helps to stay positive. Rather than reflect on the end of an era, I prefer to look forward. For this reason, instead of calling it the “new normal,” which has both positive and negative connotations, I prefer to think of it as a “new beginning.”
“Beginning” still suggests that changes are needed, but we can begin to look for how we will move forward positively. We have already made sometimes massive changes in our day-to-day lives to adapt to the pandemic and help move forward. What can we do as companies, as people, to move forward while promoting health and safety when all this is finally “over?” What new projects can we take on given the challenges of the modern world?
Perhaps your company has made a transition to a remote workforce in at least some areas. Perhaps your company is returning to the office after being shut down for several weeks or months. While your office may be changing the environment in which people work, what doesn’t change is the constant influx of data that streams into your organization. Whether remote or in the office, employees will still need to get this incoming information entered into EMRs and other systems. This is where Extract Systems and our various offerings can help.
If you have not yet considered new projects, new directions to go forward in this modern world, now is the time. Hit the ground running and make a positive change; your team surely has the energy to move forward and make any sort of change. Why not reach out to our team members and find out how we can help change your company? Rather than staying tied to the old-fashioned, manual method of entering data, why not have software read your documents like a human would? Between workflow automation, data analysis, and data indexing, we have a way to help you and your team achieve your goals better than before.