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Madison, Wisconsin
Extract Systems

Media Tab Mayhem

May 4, 2017

Do your clinicians have trouble finding relevant patient documents, whether it be on paper or in some digital library?  If so, they could be fighting with Media Mayhem or Media Tab Mayhem. 

What are the symptoms? 

Constantly shuffling through stacks of paper or opening and closing generically labelled documents searching for the care document they need.  Mounting frustration as they cannot find what they are looking for.  Requesting documents be printed so they can more “easily” find them.  More stacks of papers piling…again!  What is a clinician to do!  Take the Extract prescription!

The Extract prescription is created using the following recipe:

  • Extract’s indexing and lab extraction software
  • All incoming faxes
  • An inbound encounter and orders interface
  • A verification staff to review the classification and indexing
  • An outbound results interface

As we know, many point of care contacts are associated with either an encounter or order number.  Extract has a solution to not only classify these documents, but index discrete information and present to a verification staff so they can appropriately verify and add any additional data (such as encounter or order numbers).  If documents require further indexing, such as lab results, that can be done there too, or routed to your lab results experts to complete the indexing.  Once the indexing is complete, not only will the discrete data be transmitted via HL7 to your EMR, but the document associated with index data, can be supplied directly in the HL7 or be routed to a pre-defined location for your document management system to pick-up.  Not only is the document routed, but additional meta-data, such as, but not limited to, MRN, patient demographics, encounter or order number, is transmitted. Your DMS then has the required information to attach the document to the appropriate location in the EMR.  After that, your EMR can use a built-in notification process to alert the clinicians when a document has been posted to a patients’ chart.   

Having the documents attached at the encounter or order level along with alert notifications, will allow your clinicians to more readily find the ones they are looking for without the “Media Tab Mayhem.”    

Meet The Author
Kari Siegenthaler
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