Integrating with Epic
Coming to Epic’s UGM in Madison?
Epic is located in Madison and so are we.
Because our headquarters are in Madison, WI and many of our valuable customers are also Epic clients, we cannot help but notice when Epic has one of its major user events (UGM and XGM). Known by the “outside world” mostly for their fun and wild themes, and enjoyed by the non-invited at the “after parties” throughout the city, they are famous for filling up all the hotels and bringing a bit of chaos to our incredible city.
What is the Epic UGM?
Besides all the fun and games, if you really look at the agenda during the Epic UGM, it’s quite clear that the event has the noble purpose of bringing Epic users together to learn from one another, by sharing best practices and meeting with peers to discuss specifics of how they can best use the technology they have invested in to solve the problems their organizations are facing. Or as Epic is likely to point out…”Superheros helping Superheros.”
Problems such as how to get better data in and out of their EMR, how to configure their EMR to best handle the data they want it to hold and how to best use it, display it, report it, etc. Discussions likely cover how to meet compliance and reporting requirements and, naturally, how to maximize patient safety and optimize their care.
Extract’s integration with Epic
Our technology is one that complements many EMRs, but most often we compliment Epic. We extract and structure data from faxes, scanned documents, and other unstructured sources and get it into the Epic as valuable clinical information for patient care and incentive reporting.
As mentioned, our technology is designed to maximize the investment in EMRs such as Epic and to help with the problems that healthcare organizations are facing with information stuck in faxes, scanned documents and other unstructured sources. Whether it’s extracting discrete lab results, capturing dates and results for MIPS reporting, or improving data available for research or precision medicine, we have designed our application to get more out of EMRs like Epic, but putting better and more complete data into it.
Let’s meet up while you’re in Madison
We hope that great conversations are had at the Epic UGM event, feel free to contact us while you’re in town to find out how we can help optimize the data you get into Epic. If fitting us into your already busy schedules isn’t possible, we are willing to help coordinate hallway conversations with customers that will be attending UGM. If either options interests you….get in touch!