Index Data Objectives and Guidelines
Land records have been electronically submitted and recorded for over a decade in the United States, representing millions of successful e-recording transactions. Submission requirements still vary significantly among e-recording jurisdictions as far as completeness and accuracy tolerance are concerned.
To index land records, there are seven indexing objectives:
Ease of Use
The indexing process has to follow various rule sets to complete the process according to their jurisdiction. According to the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA), the following are recommended guidelines for the e-recording process:
Jurisdiction: building and maintaining document indexes is the responsibility of the recording jurisdictions. It is unrealistic to assume that the internal staff expertise in these offices can be faithfully duplicated by each originator.
Validation: the recording jurisdictions require only the minimum amount of index data necessary to validate the submitted document data and associated image(s) match.
Accuracy: the recording jurisdictions set a reasonable tolerance level for accuracy of index data slowing for slight misspellings, punctuation variances, abbreviations, etc.
Electronically recording land record documents is much faster than paper processing, even with some manual intervention involved. The role as custodian of land records has changed over the years with the advent of e-recording and the push to make records available online. Implementing technology to automate manual data while protecting personally identifying information can help you better serve your constituents and make information available online within minutes, instead of days.
Here’s how Extract can further streamline the e-recording process:
Are you currently making documents available online, or do you have plans to in the future?
Extract can automate the redaction process to help you make document available online to reduce time spent by staff fulfilling document requests.
Are you getting accurate index data from your submitters?
Extract can apply your indexing guidelines or standards to not only e-recorded documents, but all docs.