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Madison, Wisconsin
Extract Systems

The Trump Wild Card

December 22, 2016

I have recently talked with a few healthcare executives. They, like everyone else I know, are careful about what they say about the effect a Trump presidency will have on healthcare. This could be that they are being politically correct but it’s possible they don’t know what Trump is going to do. It is clear Trump’s pre-election rhetoric has softened in many areas. Only time will tell what his real intentions are.

What the executives are not reserved about are their opinions that no matter what the administration does, there will remain a very strong push for cutting the cost of healthcare. Hard to disagree with them. In recently years, our company (and we aren’t alone) has seen a string of double digit increases in our employee healthcare insurance. What US healthcare consumers spend is eye popping and these growth rates can’t be sustained forever.

We could all resolve that on January 1, 2017 we’ll all diet, exercise and get healthy or we could really start looking for meaningful ways to reduce the cost of providing healthcare. We need ideas that will reduce costs, reduce errors, speed up and improve physician decision making and at the same time improve patient care. That would be like hitting a grand slam, seeing a unicorn or owning a goose that lays golden eggs.

If you came up with that great idea your boss would jump on board. The budget committee would approve the project. IT would prioritize the project to the top of the queue. You’ll get a promotion and raise. You’ll probably lose weight, your complexion will definitely clear and your love life will read like a romance novel. 

Life would be good.

Extract delivers these results all the time.  Extract delivers cost saving and a reduction in data errors as well as more data to the EMR.  Physicians have the information they need when they need it and patient care measures will improve.  At our last quarterly user group meeting one customer presented graphs and statistics of how they are entering information into the EMR four times faster than before they launched Extract’s solution platform.

Another customer just finalized a video testimony for Extract in which they say they have doubled their order entry volume and haven’t added any staff.  Furthermore, they’ve reduced order entry errors by 78% since they launched our data extraction and document classification solution.

I’ve just given you two cases of improvements that cut costs, reduced errors, reduced turnaround times and improved clinical decision making and patient care… but it doesn’t stop there. Contact us for more information and let’s get connected to the people in your organization that are concerned about costs, errors, physician decision making and patient care?  In healthcare, change takes time. Let’s get started.

Meet The Author
Kari Siegenthaler
Speak to a solution consultant