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Madison, Wisconsin
Extract Systems

Do your transplant physicians have all the information they need?

October 9, 2014

Does your transplant team have all the info they need?

I often read that every detail matters when caring for patients. The evaluation process is complex and peri-transplant treatment decisions leave little room for error. But what happens when physicians don’t have all the information in the transplant information systems? Care decisions may need to be made despite some patient data missing in the database. Or at the very least, decisions are delayed while waiting for additional information.

We all know transplant care involves dozens of professionals. And the average multi-organ transplant program incorporates hundreds of test panels and thousands of individual test components. The average cost of transplantation is well into the six figures. With so much at stake, critical patient information – including external lab results – must be accessible for decision support.

How does your transplant team incorporate external lab results into your transplant database?

Here’s an example of a large transplant program in the Midwest using advanced data capture to process lab results as they arrive at the fax server. LabDE from Extract Systems captures and moves demographic and test information from the fax server directly into the EMR. All external patient documentation becomes “intelligent,” searchable and integrated with the center’s electronic health record and other systems. By implementing LabDE, this transplant center:

  • Eliminated the printing of 600,000 paper-based lab faxes per year
  • Cut the two-week wait time for scanned documents to be linked to the patient’s record to a few hours
  • Created a streamlined and auditable workflow
  • Reduced the risk of medical error
  • Delivered lab results to providers FAST
  • Eliminated data entry errors
  • Significantly decreased staff time spent on manual data entry

Getting external lab results into your transplant database is a challenge. We guarantee there is a faster and more accurate method than manual data abstraction. 

Meet The Author
Tera Madigan
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