Do You Even Document Handler, Bro?
Most people don’t realize how heavily some industries rely on faxes. But to those of us in the know, it’s becoming cliché to mention how relevant faxing still is. With non-relenting fax volumes comes the need for businesses to hire people who can manage incoming documents. Document handling is an intense job that requires an immense amount of focus and attention to detail. In the healthcare world, it also requires a high degree of clinical knowledge. Ensuring that a document is properly classified, and that the information on it is properly transcribed, is time consuming and can be prone to errors. This is an area where automation can greatly improve workflows for your employees who perform document handling, as well as reduce the need of hiring more people for the task.
Extract System’s platform of products offer a powerful and flexible solution for incoming document workflows. By leveraging machine learning, we can quickly and accurately classify documents to ensure they get where they need to go in your downstream workflows. That’s not the end of the story though. After we’ve classified the document; we can also run rules to capture information relevant to that document type and present it to your handlers. Once reviewed, the document is automatically routed to downstream workflows and systems depending on your business rules for that document.
Instead of taking the time to review a fax, decipher relevant information, scan the fax and enter the information, a document handler simply needs to review the information Extract Systems found and move on to the next document. The Extract System’s platform takes on a huge part of the heavy lifting. Ultimately, your document handler will still be responsible for ensuring the data is accurate. However, they won’t need to make decisions about document type, hunt for the specific information they need or waste time scanning the document into its correct ending location. Extract System’s goal is to allow your highly skilled employees to work more productively to apply their expertise more to the data, not mundane clerical tasks.