All of the data you need, none of the data you don’t
Introduce automated redaction to your workflows
We live in a world of instant gratification and immediate satisfaction which leads to companies wanting to speed up workflow processes to get higher quality work done, quicker. There are companies where their entire business plan is about how they can make other organization’s workflow more efficient, accurate, and up to date with the world around them.
One of these technologies is automated redaction and indexing software. When a company identifies information they need to automatically locate and “black-out” personal identifiable information (PII), automated redaction software can be used. In many courts, there are rules and policies in place that prevent PII from being displayed publicly. That means that someone’s job (either full-time or part-time depending on the volume of documents) is to ensure that this information is not made available to the public. If secure information accidentally gets overlooked because of fatigue, human error, or regulation changes, there could be huge penalties paid out in data breach lawsuits. This is where automated redaction software steps into play.
Allotted staff manually enters in data and checks or verifies that every piece of information is accurately redacted before going out into the world, for anybody’s eyes to see, based on organizational policies and procedures. How many hours a day are they doing this? There can be multiple full-time employees dedicated to this repetitive, mundane task within one office, which could be upwards of $100,000 spent on their salaries alone.
What would happen if automated redaction were introduced?
Automated redaction would significantly increase work productivity, decrease cost and provide accuracy much higher and more efficient than a human could achieve. Your staff would be able to stop partaking in large manual tasks and dedicate their time to more important processes, that are not able to be automated.