data entry

Climbing the Paper Mountain

Climbing the Paper Mountain

Do you ever find yourself asking "how could we still be processing so much paper and faxes in the year 2017?" Sometimes, it can feel like there are mountains of paper that need to be climbed and processed with no summit in sight. There are EMR's, Care Everywhere, FHIR, HIE's, reference lab interfaces, and hundreds of other ways to exchange information electronically. But here we are…still seeing hundreds or even thousands of actual faxes per day in clinics and HIM departments.

How to Leverage Data to Optimize Results

How to Leverage Data to Optimize Results

What is compliance and why it’s important in Healthcare?

It is a way for healthcare organizations to prove that their patients are their number one priority. By proving the quality of compliance, organizations can prove that year over year their quality in care is constantly improving. By being able to prove compliance is important within an organization, there is a direct correlation to better patient satisfaction, more patients, better opportunities for successful outreach, and staying in business.

The Three Bears and Healthcare Data

The Three Bears and Healthcare Data

Many of you know the fairly tale tilted, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." Upon entering the home of the Three Bears, Goldilocks sits in their chairs, eats their porridge, and falls asleep in their beds. Upon sampling each of the Bear's chairs, porridge, and beds she exclaims that one is too much, the other is not enough, but the last option is just right. What does this fairy tale have to do with Healthcare data and performing one's job, you may ask?

The Trump Wild Card

The Trump Wild Card

I have recently talked with a few healthcare executives. They, like everyone else I know, are careful about what they say about the effect a Trump presidency will have on healthcare. This could be that they are being politically correct but it’s possible they don’t know what Trump is actually going to do. It is clear Trump’s pre-election rhetoric has softened in many areas. Only time will tell what his real intentions are.

6 Challenges: Performance Measurement Data Collection & Reporting

6 Challenges: Performance Measurement Data Collection & Reporting

According to the AHRQ Conference on Health Care Data Collection and Reporting there are six challenges of today’s performance measurement data collection and reporting environment. 

Copy and Paste Errors in Healthcare

Copy and Paste Errors in Healthcare

I attended the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) conference during the week of October 16 and learned about the complexities of copy-and-paste in healthcare. It’s a common problem that Extract’s automated data capture can help with.

The copy-and-paste function (CPF) is extremely prevalent in the EHR in efforts to improve efficiencies, foster prompt communication and increase time spent with patients.  At the event, I learn that 7.4% of charts contain CPF information.  This isn’t good for the following reasons...

Staying "Classy" with Automated Document Handling

Staying "Classy" with Automated Document Handling

If you've read prior HealthyData blogs such as this one, then you know that we're doing some pretty "classy" things when it comes to handling your incoming documents. This includes putting those documents into the correct section of the EMR chart with nothing more than a quick once-over. This is something we're very excited about and are quite confident that it will change the way document handling is viewed by your organization.

Quality Reporting in the EMR

Quality Reporting in the EMR

Despite massive adoption of electronic medical records over the past several years, the promise of easy and nearly effortless chart abstraction from electronic medical records enabled by an interconnected web of interoperable EMRs sharing standardized data has yet to be fully realized.  You need to look no further than the media tab to see the evidence that we have yet to arrive at this Utopian future.

Still using paper? Read this!

Still using paper? Read this!

Still using paper? It’s time to think about automating. Learn more in this blog.