What’s So New About CHR?

What’s So New About CHR?

The leading voices in healthcare are talking about the next big thing on the horizon. That would be CHR (Comprehensive Health Record). But what about the unfinished business that still exists for healthcare records? How do you incorporate the data from incoming external documents that bog down clinics and hospitals? This data comes from faxes, paper, and scanning workflows.

6 Challenges: Performance Measurement Data Collection & Reporting

6 Challenges: Performance Measurement Data Collection & Reporting

According to the AHRQ Conference on Health Care Data Collection and Reporting there are six challenges of today’s performance measurement data collection and reporting environment. 

About Meaningful Use Stage 2

About Meaningful Use Stage 2

Meaningful use was developed to ensure compliance to result in improved population health outcomes, increased medical transparency, promote patient care efficiency, empower healthcare staff and patients, provide better clinical outcomes and more robust research data on health organizations. Meaningful use obtains clear objectives that healthcare organizations must meet in order to qualify for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Incentive Programs. To some healthcare professionals, meaningful use stages cause confusion—let’s go over meaningful use stage two.

What Makes an Effective QAPI Program: Part 6

What Makes an Effective QAPI Program: Part 6

How do your objective measures and process improvement plans fit together in your Quality Assessment and Process Improvement Program (QAPI)?  Are they all individual efforts, kept in binders and not communicated to the various stakeholders? Or is your QAPI program a vibrant living entity in which all stakeholders are actively engaged?  One of the key items that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services looks for is a clear, cohesive and implemented plan that is reflected in your QAPI policy and it is a lack of this that is frequently cited as a deficiency during a CMS audit.  

24th Annual UNOS Transplant Management Forum: One More for the Books

24th Annual UNOS Transplant Management Forum: One More for the Books

Once again I had the pleasure of attending the 24th Annual UNOS Transplant Management Forum for my 4th time earlier this year.  As always, it was a flurry of learning, knowledge-sharing, networking, and well-deserved awards for leaders in the industry.

It was as apparent this time as it was every time before, that the transplant community is a close-knit group who all struggle with similar things regardless of their geographical location. These struggles span across many areas, including financial, staffing, regulatory requirements, lack of organs, information technology, reporting, managing the constant deluge of paper, and many more.  While I can't claim that Extract can help with all of these, there are two specific struggles that we excel at fixing: extracting discrete results from faxed external lab results and intelligently splitting, classifying, and filing large documents (such as referral packets) into patients' charts.

Automated PHI redaction makes clinical data management easier

Automated PHI redaction makes clinical data management easier

Spend more time finding a cure and less time finding and redacting PHI.

Navigate a Transplant System Improvement Agreement #6

Navigate a Transplant System Improvement Agreement #6

Today, we will continue our discussion about the System Improvement Agreement (SIA) and the various deliverables that will be required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to emerge successfully. 

How to Navigate a Transplant System Improvement Agreement Process Blog #5: The IPRT Visit and Action Plan

How to Navigate a Transplant System Improvement Agreement Process Blog #5: The IPRT Visit and Action Plan

Today, we will discuss the Independent Peer Review Team (IPRT) and the action plan that will be developed and implemented following their visit. 

How to Navigate a Transplant System Improvement Agreement Process Blog #4

How to Navigate a Transplant System Improvement Agreement Process Blog #4

Previously we have discussed in general what happens when your center comes under regulatory scrutiny and what you can expect.  Today, we will begin to look in greater detail at what a System Improvement Agreement (SIA) entails, the items that the hospital commits to fulfill and some strategies for addressing them.

How to Navigate a Transplant System Improvement Agreement Process #3: The System Improvement Agreement

How to Navigate a Transplant System Improvement Agreement Process #3: The System Improvement Agreement

The System Improvement Agreement (SIA)

In our previous post, we discussed what happens when your program receives a letter from either the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) or the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and your program's initial response.  Today we will focus on what happens if CMS does not accept your mitigating factors application.